    Embedded Systems  
      New Hampshire  
        February 2006  
          Safe Computing  
Safe Computing: A Chat with Computer Security Handbook Contributing Editor Robert Gezelter

Please join us for an informal chat with Bob Gezelter, Contributing Editor for the Computer Security Handbook. We will have an opportunity to discuss how the expansion of Internet connectivity, from the workplace to the home, presents challenges to our lives, and the lives of our children.

Technology is inherently a double edged sword. The same communications technology that enables unprecedented, painless access to vast research libraries also provides access to hate literature and pornography. The same communications technologies that keep friends and family in touch wherever they are also enable communications with child predators. This is not just about personal computers. The full range of handheld devices creates the same benefits and problems.

Speaker: Bob Gezelter, CDP, is a Contributing Editor, columnist, lecturer and consultant. He has spoken to audiences worldwide on a variety of topics relating to Information Technology and its implications. His contributions have ranged from high level strategic issues to the lowest implementation details of computer systems. In 2004, the IEEE Computer Society appointed Mr. Gezelter to a three year term as a member of its Distinguished Visitors Program, a program that provides speakers for Computer Society chapters throughout North America.

Sponsors:   IEEE New Hampshire Section and Computer Society
Venue: Chandler Public Library
257 Main Street
Nashua, New Hampshire  03060
Date: Thursday, May 18, 2006
Time: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Admission: Open to the General Public

Questions to: webmaster@removethis.rlgsc.com