    Embedded Systems  
     Orlando, Florida  
      March 25, 2004  
       Internet Dial Tone  
Internet Dial Tones & Firewalls: One Policy Does Not Fit All

The popular image of the corporate firewall is a gatehouse guarding the corporate network, implying a single security domain. Todays corporate security realities are, however, far more subtle. Once past the gatehouse, organizations are not monolithic security domains populated by indistinguishable individuals. Contractors, joint ventures, transient technicians, special access projects, and others all play a role in today's organization. Each aspect has its own needs (and limitations) for Internet and Intranet access.

The challenge is to provide each of the many constituencies with secure access while accommodating their inevitably conflicting rights, responsibilities and needs. In short, an organization must ensure internal security and regulatory conformance, while still allowing staff, salesmen, and contractors appropriate access to internal and external systems as needed.

The needs and requirements of typical constituencies will be examined. Ways to maintain ease of use and its attendant reduction in Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) will be explored. Our review will include the benefits and limitations of firewalls, SSL, HTTPS, VPNs, proxy servers, authentication, and WiFi (802.11a/b/g).

Speaker: Robert Gezelter, CDP, Software Consultant, guest lecturer and technical facilitator, has more than 25 years of international consulting experience in private and public sectors. Mr. Gezelter is a regular guest speaker at technical conferences worldwide such as HPETS (formerly DECUS). Mr. Gezelter, a Senior Member of IEEE, is based in Flushing, New York.

Mr. Gezelter holds MS and BA degrees from New York University in Computer Science. In addition to his contributions on Internet and WWW Security to The Computer Security Handbook, 4th (and 3rd) Editions, his published articles have appeared in HP's OpenVMS Technical Journal, Network World, Open Systems Today, Digital Systems Journal, Digital News, and Hardcopy.

Mr. Gezelter can be reached via email at gezelter@removethis.rlgsc.com.

Sponsor: IEEE Orlando Section and Computer Society
Venue: Radisson Plaza Hotel, 60 South Ivanhoe Boulevard, Orlando, FL 32804
Date: Thursday, March 25, 2004
Time: 6:30 PM
Press Release: http://www.rlgsc.com/ieee/Orlando/2004-3/OrlandoPressRelease.pdf
Reservations: Joe Juisai joe.juisai@ieee.org +1 (407) 808 1301
Admission: IEEE members: Complementary; non-members: $ 10.00
Session Notes: http://www.rlgsc.com/ieee/orlando/2004-3/internetdial.html

Questions to: webmaster@removethis.rlgsc.com